was asked this yesterday ~ Do you not go through life really looking at the world and how things work? ~ great question, thank you provoking a deeper look
Our life's experiences exact a visceral response that we may or may not feel immediately.
Sometimes this response is either a negative or positive emotion, which then becomes a part of our psyche.
How we then come to behave and respond, going into future experience, is dependant upon our ownership or denial of each response from the past.
It is our individual responsibility, unique as a fingerprint and independent of external motive,
to look in the mirror so-to-speak and forgive at the visceral level, this emotion and dependence.
This is not a one time forgiveness, for this act of doing so requires a deliberate intent, based on how deeply we originally took ownership of the initial response. On whether or not we built a mountain or a molehill to protect this emotional reaction.
There are some responses that are harbored deeply and require a more continual form of forgiveness. Forgiveness is an ongoing process. One we perform daily, much akin to cleansing our hard drive in our computer of all the temporary files , cookies, cache - the "history" of that visceral response we really do Not need to harbor and which just clutters our heart, mind and soul.
If we fail to forgive in an ongoing effort, our operating mechanics become so full of "past responses" that we become clogged and slow down, become overheated or respond in knee-jerk manners to experiences that come along today and into the future. Deliberate forgiveness frees, cleans and refreshes us to exerience with renewed vigor and vitality, the next experience.
The lovely act of forgiveness, of cleansing our hard drive, also does not mean we forget. Because the permanence of our responses is still there and teaches us what we are willing to experience and what we are willing to Not download to our hard drive going forward. So lighten up !!!
I was asked a rather profound series of questions and the above is what I came up with in response. This is what I was asked:
No original ideas anymore? Are you alive? Do you not have a past that has given personal wisdom? Do you not go through life really looking at the world and how things work? Haven't you studied how something so simple as water overcomes obstacles and how this can relate to our own lives? There is personal wisdom to be had in everything every day! There is nothing wrong with sharing interesting quotes but I see too much of it and that tells me that those doing it are not aware of their own lives or that they are just lazy. Everyone can come up with a profound quote of their own if they give some effort to thought.
And my initial thought was somewhat vexing. Oftentimes, when I do write my own thoughts, they are rather long, and circular. I have been even told, strenuous. So frequently, I share someone else ( a poet, a writer, or a visionary's ) thought and move along ... Here, on the other hand, I have shared Specifically either from someone else, or by myself and then expanded on this. Writing here to myself, seems to be more cathartic as it appears to me anyway, that noone really reads what I write, so I feel like I am writing for myself. An art form that, with age, has become easier to do online using the computer. I used to use journals.
Anyway, the short of the long is ... yes, I have my own personal wisdom. Just had no idea anyone really cared. Or not cared. Oftentimes - example on FB, what I share that is from others and is not uniquely ME, gets re-shared, re-distributed. This I tend to think is a good thing. Because wisdom is meant to be shared. We should always be wanting to somehow expand the paradigms within which we focus our attentions. If we do not, I believe we stagnate. When, on FB as on here, I share my own thoughts - my opinions and /or prose, or just a belief that I post about some kind of theme, rarely attracts a comment or a "like" and even more rarely gets "re-shared" . NOW, that said, I do NOT expect that I am such a great writer that all of my friends will have an AHAH moment and "reshare" everything I express. Nor do I expect , Ever, For everyone or most to agree wholeheartedly. Over time, though, when one does write from a personal perspective and so little feedback is given, with such rare exception - it becomes a disheartening endeavor. I suppose I could just write There as I do here. Share it ..... and whatever will be will be. There is no "copywrighting" one's THOUGHTS, as one might copywright a photograph or a painting, or a literary work. In fact, patenting ones thoughts seems rather tedious with the new laws as well. I suppose I could make up a patent number ??? Intersting and fun diversion. I appreciate this persons query, because I love to think deeply and profoundly, and even if I only share it on here with myself, at least it is written. Not just a thought. Becomes words in space, and words carry as much import as a deed done. How about that.