Accept that all of us can be hurt, that all of us can-and surely will at times-fail...i think we should follow a simple rule:if we can take the worst, take the risk ~Joyce Brothers
This quote kept showing up this morning. So, here is my take on it. We all seem to know people who "outwardly - Have It All". They never seem to want for anything. They have access to all the best their lives can offer. They never seem to fail.
However, I for one minute do not believe this. It is my view that failure, by whichever yardstick measured, is necessary in life and therefore, exists in everyone's life. Although it seems some people have life by the tail and can do no wrong, the truth is, if you hold the tail long enough, the head comes around to nip back. Failure is a given when we truly live our life to the best of our abilities at that moment.
It is How we Respond to that failure that really defines us as the type of human being we become. Do we sit on our bums and cry "oh why me, poor pitiful me" I think that is a Linda Ronstadt song title ? Or, do we take a deep breath, shed a tear of frustration, get up and hitch our pants or skirts and keep on going ?
Failure is meant to test our mettle. Without risking ourselves in life, without testing the boundaries of our moments, our efforts, our abilities and our experiences - we would not then know, if through failure, what great rewards are waiting for us in our Success.
When a toddler is learning to walk, and falls down repeatedly - if that toddler never got up again to continue to learn to walk - the world might be full of people crawling to work or school or in the malls. If as kiddies in elementary school, we dropped out the first time we failed a major exam, the world would be full of people who never graduated with diplomas' and degrees.
My reality is that risk and failure are a must, in order for us to continue to exceed our limitations and become a better person. The bar must continue to rise. Failure leads us to success. Without it, we would never know we had Made it ! Without the rainy day, we would not appreciate the sunshine. It really is that simple!