What would it be like
to swing on a star,
or walk on a cloud ?
Would it be anything like what I feel
... whenever you are near.
Falling in love is like looking at the stars.
If you pick one out of the billions
and stare at it long enough
all the others will melt away.
We were written in the stars, my love,
all that separated us, was time,
the time it took to read the map
which was placed within our hearts,
to find our way back to one another
What would it be like
to swing on a star,
or walk on a cloud ?
Would it be anything like what I feel
... whenever you are near.
Falling in love is like looking at the stars.
If you pick one out of the billions
and stare at it long enough
all the others will melt away.
We were written in the stars, my love,
all that separated us, was time,
the time it took to read the map
which was placed within our hearts,
to find our way back to one another
I have never known what "falling in love" or "being in love" was until You. Il mio tesoro prezioso, il mio gladiatore. Quando ho sentito la tua voce, la mia anima ha conosciuto la verità. Quando ho letto il tuo viso, i tuoi occhi e il tuo sorriso - il mio cuore sapeva. Quando ho letto le tue parole di gioia, stupore, risate, sogni, del passato e per il futuro - la mia mente poteva finalmente credere. Ti amo, tanti baci.
Arriverà il giorno in cui saremo insieme per sempre, fino ad allora speriamo che il miracolo che ci ha riunito elaborerà il percorso che ci vorrà per cancellare la distanza tra noi.