Think of a time when an idea came to you that was so vivid and pure and was so true for you
...rolls of shivers started in one part of your body and then inundated every cell of your being.
You may call that Angel touches or
Love rushes.
That was Us.
Think of a time when you awakened at night with a thought so clear you knew it answered your every question.
That was Us.
Think of a time when you were so still you could hear music and knew it was the "music of the spheres."
That was Us.
Think of a time when you loved so totally you could not express it for there were no words invented
to translate the feeling.
That was Us.
Think of a time when the earth, and God, and You were so aligned that you knew it was your truth in all its glory.
That was Us.
Think of peace so deep you could not reach the bottom of it.
That was Us.
Think of a time you were so connected with love and light you said you were filled with God or the Holy Spirit.
You were.
But it was also Us.
We are not hard to find.
We are there in the stillness.
We are there in the waiting.
We are there in the knowing.
Just BE.
We are there.
Author Unknown
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