The Libra-Scorpio cusp is an overlapping and admixture of the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra, and the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio. Oy Oy Oy :(
A heightened sense of the drama of life, both in a philosophical and personal sense, leads to an increased awareness of the dynamics of one’s own existence, both past and present; a highly critical attitude emerges which cuts away careless generalizations and sloppy thinking, and aims for the essence of truth. Such an attitude can lead to profound changes in personal relationships, how leisure time is spent and in general to a reevaluation of one’s place in the world.
The days which comprise the Libra-Scorpio cusp exemplify various aspects of Drama and Criticism, where the airy, social, theatrical Libra nature confronts the more serious, deeply feeling and critical nature of the Scorpio.
This is a period that can be characterized by the themes of Drama and Criticism.
The Libra-Scorpio Personality
The dramatic Scorlibran is one of the most critical individuals of the whole year. Those born in this period can perfectly embody the spirit of their age but also comment on it. No matter what walk of life they inhabit, their facile minds and often sharp tongues will mark them as individuals to be reckoned with. Most often, if asked their opinion they give it straight out, holding nothing back. Therefore, those born on the Libra-Scorpio Cusp may be sought out for honest evaluations, but equally well feared and even avoided for their piercing frankness.
Every cusp personality comprises conflicting elements, being influenced by two very different adjacent signs. In the case of this particular cusp, the highly developed social awareness of Libra can be well integrated with the powerfully controlling detachment of Scorpio. However, conflicts may also arise here between intellectual and emotional energies, which may be extremely difficult to bring into balance. Primarily thought-feeling types, “Scorlibrans” can mistrust intuitive impulses.
On the other hand, those born on the Libra-Scorpio cusp also have a wild side, and can at a moment’s notice drop their objective stance in favor of risk and adventure. Furthermore, once they are committed to a situation they will usually refuse to stop until the denouement is complete (no matter how painful it may be). Because of their total involvement, and also their charm and attractiveness, those born in this period may indeed be difficult to unseat from a position of authority or for that matter from a place in a lover’s heart.