Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Success or failure ...

Accept that all of us can be hurt, that all of us can-and surely will at times-fail...i think we should follow a simple rule:if we can take the worst, take the risk ~Joyce Brothers

This quote kept showing up this morning.  So, here is my take on it.  We all seem to know people who "outwardly - Have It All".  They never seem to want for anything.  They have access to all the best their lives can offer.  They never seem to fail. 

However, I for one minute do not believe this.  It is my view that failure, by whichever yardstick measured, is necessary in life and therefore, exists in everyone's life.  Although it seems some people have life by the tail and can do no wrong, the truth is, if you hold the tail long enough, the head comes around to nip back.  Failure is a given when we truly live our life to the best of our abilities at that moment. 

It is How we Respond to that failure that really defines us as the type of human being we become.  Do we sit on our bums and cry "oh why me, poor pitiful me" I think that is a Linda Ronstadt song title ?  Or, do we take a deep breath, shed a tear of frustration, get up and hitch our pants or skirts and keep on going ? 

Failure is meant to test our mettle.  Without risking ourselves in life, without testing the boundaries of our moments, our efforts, our abilities and our experiences - we would not then know, if through failure, what great rewards are waiting for us in our Success.  

When a toddler is learning to walk, and falls down repeatedly - if that toddler never got up again to continue to learn to walk - the world might be full of people crawling to work or school or in the malls.  If as kiddies in elementary school, we dropped out the first time we failed a major exam, the world would be full of people who never graduated with diplomas' and degrees. 

My reality is that risk and failure are a must, in order for us to continue to exceed our limitations and become a better person. The bar must continue to rise.  Failure leads us to success.  Without it, we would never know we had Made it !  Without the rainy day, we would not appreciate the sunshine.  It really is that simple!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Responsibility starts with the willingness to experience yourself as cause.

It starts with the Willingness to have the experience of yourself as cause in the matter.  Responsibility is not a burden, fault, praise, blame, credit, shame or guilt.  All these include judgements and evaluations of good and bad, right or wrong, or better and worse.  They are Not responsibility.  They are derived from a ground of being in which Self is considered to be a thing or an object rather than context.

Responsibility starts with the willingness to deal with a situation from and with the point of view, whether at the moment realized or not, that You are the source of what you are, what you do and what you have.  This point of view extends to include even what is done to you and ultimately what another does to another. 

Ultimately, responsibility is a context - a context of Self as Source - for the content, i.e. - for what is.

I struggle with this daily.  Which is why it is next to where I brush my teeth daily.  I read this everytime.  (Almost) ... I have to say, I wonder about this concept ........

Girlfriend's Lunch Reunion

A group of 40 year old girlfriends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally, it was agreed upon that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the waiters there had tight pants and nice buns.

10 years later at 50 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the food there was very good, the wine selection was good also, and the waiters were cute.

10 years later at 60 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they could eat there in peace and quiet, the restaurant had a beautiful view of the ocean, and the waiters were sweet boys.

10 years later, at 70 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the restaurant was wheel chair accessible, they even had an elevator, and the waiters were kindly.

10 years later, at 80 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they had never been there before...

Summer 2010
I did not have sisters growing up. Nor did I live anywhere long enough to truly earn the friendship of lifetime "girlfriends" of the "Ya-Ya Sisterhood" variety ~ I would like to believe that some of the gals I have reconnected with in the last couple of years would be like this ...  One of my dreams from a forgotten past was to have a group of gals who met often for lunch or tea, and spoke secrets we did not share outside the group.  How passe is this,? 

I wonder what it would be like to have a best friend or several, for life, that knows all my secrets, the good the bad and the ugly, and loves me even more Because of all of that which makes Me Who I Am.

Life's Mirror

There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave,
There are souls that are pure and true

Then give the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.

Give love, and love to your life will flow, A strength in your utmost need,
Have faith, and a score of hearts will show Their faith in your word and deed.

Give truth, and your gift will be paid in kind; And honor will honor meet;
And a smile that is sweet will surely find  A smile that is just as sweet.

Give pity and sorrow to those who mourn,You will gather in flowers again
The scattered seeds from your thoughts outborne ,Though the sowing seemed but vain.

For life is the mirror of king and slave,'Tis just what we are and do;
Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you.

by Madeline Bridges

September 2010

Oh how I soo, sooo much adore poetry.  Verse and stanza, rhythm and rhyme, the words pour forth and our emotions and events become for all time ... laid out in perfect harmony - much like the lyrics to the greatest songs in life.   Bob Marley once said "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain" ~~ I feel that way about music certainly, and lyrics - ohhh I can get lost in lyrics, poetry and music.  Very soothing.

All great changes are preceded by chaos ~ Deepak Chopra ~ etc etc etc

Don't give your mind permission to get disturbed. A disturbed mind is easily influenced. This will cost you your peace. Learn to maintain your peace by freeing yourself from attachments. Competing or comparing yourself with others will not allow you to focus inwards. An inner focus allows you to keep your eye on your higher self. Remember your original nature. It allows you to forge a link with the Divine. Then it becomes easy to recognise useless thoughts and replace them with a spiritual perspective. A calm mind is not just peaceful, it is focused, self-directing and Divine. ~Innerspace

The way that you are going to succeed in your mission is to stop reacting to the majority and focus on your purpose.

May you fall in love with your beauty, grace, honor, courage and strength ~

Do you procrastinate? "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." - H. Jackson Brown Jr. (Author)

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." ~ Henry David Thoreau ~

Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I shall understand. ~ Chinese Proverb ~

If you want to be great, then YOU will have to feel great and act great. Many people think they have to seek approval. All you have to do is approve of yourself. Try it now - be great!

So simple yet so true... "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer ~

A jug fills drop by drop ~ Buddha ~

Love all, trust few, never harm ~Peace always~ Pepper 9/5/2010

Speak properly; apologize rapidly; forgive quickly... evolve your being and inspire others! ~ <for Rick H> ~

"We often add to our pain and suffering by being overly sensitive, over-reacting to minor things, and sometimes taking things too personally" - The Dalai Lama

This is from a FB note page - quotes I have collected over the last 2 years, that keep me going and going, like the energizer bunny !

You are your own Biggest Fan !

Forgive yourself for all you ever thought was “wrong” about you. We as humans are our own worst critics. You put up with and in fact, encourage ways of speaking to yourself that most would NEVER put up with if someone else spoke to you that way. Always the first to tear down your dreams, poke a hole in your bubble of happiness, ridicule yourself for just being yourself. Give yourself a break, look at yourself with the eyes of love. Never believe for an instant you are not worthy of all your heart desires. Wrap yourself in love the same way you do your children, family members, friends and pets. Give yourself a pat on the back for all you do every day. Learn to become your own biggest fan.

October 2010

This has been the hardest lesson for me to learn about myself.  Most of the first 50 years of my life were spent making sure "everyone" else was nurtured and enriched.  We really should do the same for ourselves, especially for those of us who are alone.  Alone is good, healthy and fortifying.  It is also Not the same as lonely.   We should "Never" ever tear down a person.  If there is a behaviour that is incorrect, we address the behaviour.  I need to address my lackadaisacle housekeeping - this however, does not mean I Am insufficient.  I just have priorities not in line with most !!!  Vacuuming and dusting are chores I truly and adamantly do my very best to avoid.  However, in essence, I am a quite organized person who likes a clean environ.  I just need to love my home more. 

Whatever that one "chore" or "essence" of ourselves that, once separated from us as a person, becomes The Behaviour and is no longer "Us" --- lock, stock and barrel --- give it away ! Release, realize, rebirth, re-energize, regrow.

excerpt from "The Shack" by Wm Paul Young

excerpt ... "Missy's song"

Breathe in me . . . deep
That I might breathe . . . and live
And hold me close that I might sleep
Soft held by all you give

Come kiss me, wind, and take my breath
Till you and I are one
And we will dance among the tombs
Until all death is gone

And no one knows that we exist
Wrapped in each other's arms
Except the One who blew the breath
That hides me safe from harm

Come kiss me, wind, and take my breath
Till you and I are one
And we will dance among the tombs
Until all death is gone

In reading this book, I am re-realizing a truth that I believe in, as being a truth that Multitudes believe in.

That God is of me and for me, and by living my life celebrating and shining, loving and being as God, in this I choose to set my path.
I forgive the many that I have been afraid of or hurt by, including myself, and ask forgiveness from all that have or do feel the same by me.
Forgiveness is not forgetting, nor is it accepting.  It is an act of letting go of the harboring that stands between me and being in relationship with Universe.

November 2010

I cannot begin to comprehend losing a child after birth, when they have lived and loved you back for several years. I think that "Missy's Song" is eloquent and deep.  We all experience loss - a stillborn child, a sibling, a parent, or grand.  A dear friend, a marriage, and lately it seems for too many, home and livelihood.  It is at these darkest of times, that we are called upon to "truly know" in our heart of hearts, that loss is a given.  How we survive, thrive and move on is what is truly important after we go through the grief cycle.  What kind of person are we to become and grow into ?  Falling backwards is a common response.  However, regrouping, rewriting and stepping up and forward ... that IS the true test of our grit, our courage, our ability to conquer pain and loss and gain Love ... the Ultimate gift of Heaven.

Angel from heaven of Light so bright, watching around me to lead me aright, enfold me in thy wings and guard me with love, and softly sing songs to me from above, Amen♥

The River Why by James Duncan ?